Rainy day activities in Pembrokeshire with the kids

Den Building at Poppit Sands Beach

Rainy days or cold days by the sea can still be a lot of fun for kids! Here are some rainy day activities you can enjoy with kids by the sea.

1. Seashell Collecting in the Rain

Grab rain boots and raincoats and head out for a seashell collecting adventure. The rain can add an extra element of excitement to the exploration.

2. Tide Pooling

Explore tide pools during low tide, even in the rain. Kids can discover various sea creatures and learn about marine life in a hands-on way.

3. Creative Sandcastles

Build sandcastles in the rain. The wet sand can make for some unique and intricate structures. Use seashells, seaweed, and other beach finds to decorate the castles.

Beach craft

4. Nature Art

Collect driftwood, seaweed, and other natural items washed ashore to create beach-themed art. Kids can make collages, sculptures, or even draw in the wet sand.

5. Rainy Beach Picnic

Pack a waterproof picnic and enjoy it under a beach umbrella or a sheltered area. The sound of rain on the umbrella can add a cosy atmosphere.

6. Seaside Storytime

Bring along some waterproof books or tell stories about the sea. The sound of rain on the beach can create a fantastic ambiance for storytelling.

7. Ocean-inspired Crafts

Set up a craft station with materials to make ocean-themed crafts. Paper plate jellyfish, seashell jewellery, or fish-shaped paintings are all fun options.

8. Rainy Day Fishing

If you're at a location where fishing is permitted, try some rainy day fishing. Just ensure everyone is wearing appropriate rain gear.

9. Beachcombing Scavenger Hunt

Create a list of items to find on the beach, such as a specific type of shell, a piece of sea glass, or a feather. The rain can make the hunt more challenging and exciting. We’ve put a beach hunt together for you which you can use on your phone or you can print one off.

Beachcomber Scavenger Hunt & Challenges

10. Weather Watch

Use the rainy day as an opportunity to discuss weather patterns, clouds, and the sea. Watch how the rain affects the waves and the overall beach environment.

Remember to dress appropriately for the weather and prioritize safety. With the right gear, a rainy day by the sea can turn into a memorable and enjoyable experience for kids and adults alike.

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